Devlog - 0.0.10

Hello, this is Lani posting here, I just wanted to talk a little bit about the progress of the game and what to look forward to in the future.

We have slowed slightly in progress on the game as a result of life priorities and responsibilities. I am hoping to have more free time to focus on creating new fun features for you to enjoy.

This update was focused on creating a more relaxing feel to the game using sound effects. There is now some background music and various sound effects that are meant to create an environment around the game. We have also worked on the settings menu to allow you to turn the music and sound effects on and off if you would like. The settings as well has a few new features such as a credits page and the option to quit the game.

Here is the changelog for 0.0.10:

 - Added sound effects to the buttons and tab changes
 - Added background music
 - You can turn music and sound effects on or off in the options menu
 - Added a quit button to the settings menu
 - Added a credits menu
 - Added settings button to Main Menu
 - Adjusted order rewards and added 2 new orders

When it comes to the future of the game, the goal is to implement the kitchen and the recipes that we have planned. We also hope to get the employee upgrades working smoothly and to add more orders in both the general orders as well as the king’s orders.

For those who are following this game and those who are just discovering it, I hope you enjoy playing and I would love to hear any feedback you may have! Thank you!

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